Tuesday, 9 August 2011


With a forword by Peter Brook
And with the contribution of former students from all over the world

The story of the lady who studied and worked with masters of the 20th century:
Mary Wigman, Etienne Decroux, Jacques Lecoq, Peter Brook, Moshe Feldenkrais

An amazing, inspiring and useful approach to art by renowned theatre teacher,
whose work is still inspiring the new generation of theatre makers

Everything you want to know about the various ingredients of Pagneux’s work:
Élan – point fixe – le temps juste – le spiral & spine – tubes – diversity & unity –
theme & variation – the incredible lightness of the body – clay as way of writing –
to name but a few

Games, exercises, lots of pictures, text… like a good cook book -  a source of creativity
for anybody who is curious to know more about physical theatre

1 comment:

  1. Has the book published already? If not, when will it get birth in this world?? I am looking forward to it!!!!!

